Unlock Your Professional Potential: Customize Your LinkedIn URL Today!

Welcome back, career enthusiasts! In today's tutorial, we're diving into the world of LinkedIn to show you how to make a lasting impression by customizing your LinkedIn URL.


written by Carbell Sarfo

Jan 17, 2024

Customize Your LinkedIn URL Today with Carbell sarfo

Welcome back, career enthusiasts! In today's tutorial, we're diving into the world of LinkedIn to show you how to make a lasting impression by customizing your LinkedIn URL.

🚀 Why does it matter?

Well, in a competitive job market, a stellar CV alone might not cut it. Employers value candidates who go the extra mile, and that includes having a polished online presence, complete with an easily accessible LinkedIn profile.

✨ Benefits of a Custom URL:

Let's get started with the steps:

Step 1: Log In

Step 2: Edit Your Public Profile & URL

Step 3: Customize Your URL

Pro Tip: Choose a custom URL that aligns with your personal brand. It could be your first or last name, or for consistency, make it the same as your other social media handles.

By having a customized URL, you not only make it easier for people to find and connect with you, but you also leave a lasting impression.

🎥 Don't miss out on more LinkedIn and personal branding tips! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for regular insights that will elevate your professional game.

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