Learning Through Action: What to share content about as a BEGINNER

One of the challenges people say is the thing holding them back from making content, from putting themselves out there is that they do not know what to talk about.


written by Carbell Sarfo

Jan 23, 2024

Content topic when starting as a beginner.

One of the challenges people say is the thing holding them back from making content, from putting themselves out there is that they do not know what to talk about.

You are not alone and That is true. Most people do not know what to talk about. When I wanted to start my content creation Journey, I didn’t know what to talk about, I didn’t know how to do everything. I didn't know what I loved and why I should even be sharing in the first place.

The advice that I received and has worked for me is what I will share with you.

“Market yourself, teach what you are learning.” Chris Do

This was the advice I got from Chris Do from the futur.

You want to be known for something: maybe, a tech reviewer, entrepreneur voice, best gamer, football fact analytics whatever you want to be known for. But you don’t just get from zero to hero overnight. There is so much to learn, how to edit a video, how to speak to a camera (everyone thinks it is easy but they will understand soon) how to use a camera of photo to film videos, understanding the various platforms, how to research well and script appropriately, All these skills, you have to learn or outsource so it will be an understatement to just go from 0 to hero when you do not already know all of these skills and even if you do know already, the most important one, PATIENCE.

Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. We learn best not theoretically, but in action.” -Marie Forleo

When I started my YouTube channel, what I was doing and learning was web design and development, so naturally that was what I started teaching on my channel and on my socials.

Mind you, during this time, I didn’t know what I wanted to be known for or who I wanted to be but the most important thing was to teach what I was learning. I later picked up photography and well, I talked about photography as well. I know it is very bad for my channel and the audience. But the goal was good as I got comfortable talking to the camera, editing my video, scripting my videos and just getting good at making content because the truth is you are going to be bad when you start out and that is okay.

Anytime I look back at my very first videos on YouTube, I don’t cringe, I actually feel proud for taking a step even when the odds were stacked up against me. And then I compare that to my latest videos and I thank God, and I thank myself for doing it.

The question I have for you is do you know what you want to be known for? If you do know, the your path will be a little easier, you can start sharing your experiences to the one person like you on the internet who will benefit so much from your experience.

If you are like me and you do not know what to share and what you want to be known for, answer the question, what are you currently learning or doing? Then it is time to start sharing about these things.

Do not try to sound like an expert, come alive as a guide, as a friend talking to another friend and share your experiences. Because everyone has experience and they are unique from person to person.

When are you sharing your first content?

Do you need help in sharing your first content?

Tell us what is it you are learning at the moment in the comment section below


Subscribe to my YouTube channel and I will catch you in the next one.

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