Importance of Marketing Yourself and Attracting Opportunities: Personal Branding.

If you sell an amazing product and nobody knows about the product, nobody is buying the product. This applies to products as it applies to us as professionals and problem solvers. The question remains if you are doing your bit in making yourself findable to the many opportunities that are searching for the right candidate, you.


written by Carbell Sarfo

Jan 30, 2024

Importance of Marketing Yourself and Attracting Opportunities

I heard this from Alex Hormozi on his podcast the game where he said Advertising is a process of making known. That hit me in a different way. Based on what he said, if you sell an amazing product and nobody knows about the product, nobody is buying the product. That is the most simple way you can look at it but why this got my attention was, how does this apply to you and I as professionals?

if you sell an amazing product and nobody knows about the product, nobody is buying the product.

Everybody knows that and that is true except majority of people are happy about that fact. And yes he said that, business wise and selling a product. You are so good at web development. You are so good at marketing, you are so good at finance, you are so good at whatever you are doing. If you don't sell yourself and if you don't advertise yourself out there, nobody's going to know what you can do or who you are about. To advertise is definitely the process of making known.

How are you advertising yourself and how are you putting yourself out there? You can be so good or whatever you do, but if you don't put yourself out there to find out what you do and who you are about, nobody knows you. Except those who know you already. And that is great. But there is more than the amazing opportunities out there in this modern global village that we live in.

Are you writing articles, Are you making videos? Are you contributing to anything that will make people know about what you are about and the skillset that you do possess? Are you advertising yourself? There is a lot I want to talk about it. But I'm just going to say the fact that this even the journey that I am making an identity tied to 1,000,000 minds and people see the world in a different way and bring the best out of themselves. That is what I believe in. And there's something great within you that is waiting to be born out on this planet we are on.

And people are also come to benefit from this process of putting yourself out there. People learn, resonate and take action. That points opportunities towards me, they provide opportunities. To me, this is the beginning. I just my imagine was how it is will be like in the next two years if we keep doing this, of which I'm going to keep doing and I pray you keep doing this with me.

And if you are lost? And I as confused as I was just one or two years ago, don't be too hard on yourself and don't feel bad for the past, but do feel bad if you do not take action from today. Start by sending me a message if you are confused on where to start and we can both figure this out together.

Remember, an opportunity is looking for you and would come to your door step if it knew you existed.

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